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✅ Dekinga ✅ Fasada ✅ Obloga ✅ Podnih Obloga od Sibirskog Ariša do isteka zaliha

Pozovi +381 69 507 72 72 i Saznaj više!

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Lamperia for saunas

The best material for finishing the walls of the sauna is Siberian Larch, Linden, Cedar, Aspen

A pleasant and healthy atmosphere in the sauna and bath is provided by wall decoration made of natural wood. Wood is an environmentally friendly, clean and "breathable" material that emits useful natural substances when heated and fills the steam room with a pleasant aroma.

In addition, wood paneling ensures the safety of bathing procedures, as it prevents skin burns.

No paint or varnish is used to decorate the steam room. This prevents the natural process of absorbing moisture by the wood. In addition, any coating of paint and varnish, when heated, releases substances dangerous to the body.

Paneling is an Excellent Material for Wall Decoration in the Sauna!

The best material for finishing the walls of the sauna is Siberian Larch, Linden, Cedar, Aspen

A pleasant and healthy atmosphere in the sauna and bath is provided by wall decoration made of natural wood. Wood is an environmentally friendly, clean and "breathable" material that emits useful natural substances when heated and fills the steam room with a pleasant aroma.

In addition, wood paneling ensures the safety of bathing procedures, as it prevents skin burns.

No paint or varnish is used to decorate the steam room. This prevents the natural process of absorbing moisture by the wood. In addition, any coating of paint and varnish, when heated, releases substances dangerous to the body.

Paneling is an Excellent Material for Wall Decoration in the Sauna!

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Larch paneling is an excellent material for dirt on sauna walls:
•    Larch does not produce tar
•    Has low thermal conductivity - does not heat up
•    Beautiful exterior.
The paneling in the sauna creates an atmosphere of comfort and comfort. Thanks to the warm shades, it looks aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.

The Spruce paneling is aesthetically appealing, practical and long lasting..
•    the presence of a slightly larger number of small nodes;
•    a homogeneous white color that can have a yellowish tone in older trees;
•    Loose structure helps reduce heat loss through walls and is a reliable noise absorber.
But there are drawbacks to the application ... rapid saturation of the wood with moisture causes it to deform. But antiseptic treatment helps eliminate the problem.

Siberian Cedar paneling belongs to the elite materials for sauna lining.
It is perfect for lining rooms with a high degree of humidity - Russian spas and saunas, for lining walls and floors. Siberian cedar has unique healing powers that have a positive and healing effect on the human body and psychological state.

Aspen paneling – one of the best sauna solutions where light colors will dominate. Low thermal conductivity helps to avoid heavy surface heating.
The best place to use Aspen linings is in the steam rooms, where the temperatures are high enough and it's always hot. The Aspen panel is durable and does not deform over time. It is not afraid of high humidity.
The healing properties of aspen perfectly complement the procedures in the sauna. It does not light the tar.

The Red Canadian Cedar paneling is a premium material of premium quality used for interior lining of rooms. Good performance and good looks make the material very popular and sought after.
•    Sustainability
•    Great aromas
•    Natural resistance to rot and insects

7092  (Including tax)
In stock: 1 (m2)
Proportions (mm):
28 x 90
Length (m):
2217  (Including tax)
In stock: 2 (m2)
Proportions (mm):
12,5 x 83 12,5 x 110
Length (m):
283  (Including tax)
In stock: 570 (m)
Proportions (mm):
14 x 85
Length (m):
A N (spojene)Extra
4617  (Including tax)
In stock: 6 (m2)
Proportions (mm):
12.5 x 90
Length (m):